201 Washington Avenue Grand Haven Michigan 49417 616-846-5460
Carol has this to say about her work:
“My oil pastels are depictions of the beauty that surrounds me. A majority are inspired by scenes in West Michigan. I love color. It helps me to express my understanding of the world in which I live. I look at reflections, shadows and contrasts created by light. I’m interested in shapes, and patterns and using these elements to create a strong composition. My message is simple. It doesn’t take the Grand Canyon or the Rockies to demonstrate beauty. It can be found in a quiet stream, a local field, or a simple cottage.”
Selected Shows and Awards:
Muskegon Museum of Art, “Self Portraits and Narratives” Invitational Group Exhibit 2006, Muskegon, MI
Muskegon Museum of Art, “Mirror, Mirror-Art Inspired by Fairy Tales” Invitational Group Exhibit 2010: Muskegon, MI
Winterfest Juried Art Exhibition 2003, First Place: Grand Haven, MI
Lakeland Painters Spring Show Gold Award 2003: Grand Haven, MI
Festival of the Arts Regional Arts Exhibition Warner, Norcross and Judd Purchase Award 2006; Miller Johnson Purchase Award 2007: Grand Rapids, MI
Lakeland Artists Fall Show Norma Green Award for Best Abstraction 2009: Grand Haven, MI
To request more information about this artist, click here.
Spring Lake Barn: Oil pastel
Peonies: Oil pastel
Chair: Oil pastel
Chairs and Table: Oil pastel
Red Barn: Oil pastel
Michigan Farm: Oil pastel
Blue Barn: Oil pastel